July 31, 2007


I find it pretty funny to bring you another episod of my bathroom adventures, or maybe more dull :P, it actually depends on how would you see it....

in anyway, this time it'll be direct to the point, so it goes like this...

I go inside the bathroom and I go surprised AGAIN... not only were the tissues PINK but also was the FLUSH water, Disastrous looool

July 29, 2007

Pink Tissues

Guess what happened today!!!

you need to picture this with me ok....!!

I walked in to the bathroom at our offices today, and yes..... that's where they were, I couldn't believe it for a secound....PINK TISSUES!!!! what the...!!!

... yep its very true...., gosh we have PINK TISSUES in the bathroom..... how unique!!! let me rephrase.... how weird!!!

no no no for all of those who doesnt believe that pink tissues actually exists, let me assure u I saw them, not only that.... I also.... touched them, and hmmmm u know the rest lol

It felt awkward, the situation that's..... I guess it was my 1st time ever but regardless of how strange this situation was, they actually felt very normal :P

I wanted to know what was the office boy thinking when he bought them, and I came out of three choices....

1. he found them Cheaper
2. he only found those ones or
3. he's a fagot

anyother choices?!!

now....and actually before you go on and judge me for how silly this subject is, know that I'm justifying talking about this to myself by explicating clearly that "guys" I think I'm.......

I think I'm bored, very much, it's very obvious isn't... DUH!!!

I know and everyone else knows that when u r bored you tend to get yourself busy with the silliest details.... that's the tax of having nothing to do, in my case it was PINK TISSUES....

normally I willn't make a big deal out of it but I thought such subject would actuallly help me and you to smile, I'm smiling now actually.... I feel sooooo zinikh lol

anyway peace everyone and forgive me for it

July 28, 2007

Petra, what was that for?!

I'm one of the people who was extremely happy and proud to see petra a winner in the new 7 wonders of the world competetion, and still and would always regardless of the actuall results.

Yet a point to tell, once i started reviewing some comments made on this subject and specially from fello arabs I was very disappointed of this kind of mentality, but at the same time it was a bit funny, the lame kind of funny.

I choose to share with you some of these comments, some are quite harsh, but I believe regardless of the content you would know the very kind of people who wrote it and it only makes us more proud

comment 1 :
انا بدوري بقول انه من عجايب الدنيا ان تكون البتراء من عجائب الدنيا

comment 2 ( iraqi) :
الشعب الاردني نفسه عجيبة من عجائب الدنيا السبع فهو الشعب الوحيد الذب يعيش على مصائب الاخرين

comment 3 ( egyption) :
دلوئتي بئ المصريين كخه والاهرام مش عجباكم ياشعب زباله ؟؟؟ هو احنا العرب كدة مالناش انتماء لاي حاجه ولا اي حد وهي البتراء دي ايه؟؟ شوية جبال منحوته ووقعت من زمان ومدمنين الزعتر قاموا ناحتين ومرممينها من تاني مش زي الاهرامات يامعفنين دحنا حضارات سبع تلاف سنه مش جايبين كم مقاول من اسرائيل ونحاتين من سوق الخردة عشان تعملوا عجائب وبطيخ...روح اجري العب بعيد انته وهوه وتبقى مصر والاهرامات شامخه مهما ئلتوا يابيئة ياعرب ياجرب

comment 4
الملك أصدر اوامر مباشرة للتصويت ...و أصبح التصويت للبتراء بالأردن فرض عين و من لا يفعل هو خائن لله و الوطن و الأمة

comment 5
هي ايه الاردن دى محافظة اردنية ؟ و لا ولاية فلسطينية و لا ارض الشام ؟

comment 6
إن الأردن ليس إلا امتداد لبادية الشام ومعروف ظروف انفصالها عنها والذي سيعود يوما ما ولذا انا كسوري أفتخر بها كجزء من الآثار السورية العظيمة

comment 7
مبروك للأردن النصر الوهمي بس ما في داعي تفرح زيادة بيوجعك بعدين قلبك

comment 8
المهزلة الأكبر ليس بإختيار البتراء من العجائب بل الأحتفالات الأردنيه والتغني بعبدالله مولاهم وسيدهم وولي أمرهم وكأنه من بنى البتراء

comment 9
لو كانت العجائب السبعة القديمة والجديدة كلها بالاردن لم ازره لسببين الاول شعبها دمه ثقيل بثقل الاهرامات والثاني جميع منتجاتهم الزراعية ملوثة

comment 10
اكيد انو كان تصويت على عجائب الدنيا الحديثه على الموضه لأنو الأهرام صارت دقة قديمه

comment 11:
ش عارف مين اللي فرحان في الاردن و على شو فرحان ... مع العلم بوجود البتراء التاريخية العظيمة الا انو ما في و جود لاسم الاردن على الخرائط القديمه .... فهي خليط من شعوب فلسطين وبعض السوريين و السعوديين و من جمهورية الشيشان .. وهذه ارض الاردن بالاصل هي ارض سعووووووووووودية خالصه . والي بتابع التاريخ بيعرف

comment 12:
ال اردن ال مبروك لمن بنى البتراء اساسا,وبطبيعة الحال هم ليسوا الاردنيون

comment 13:
ناس فاضية... معليش..هانت ,, بكرة نموت ونخلص

comment 14:
غريب، الأردن التي لها حدود مع إسرائيل يفرح شعبها بتلك الخزعبلات بل و يسهر الليل من أجل ذالك لو قيل لهم قومو الليل في الصلاة ما فعلوه إلا من رحم ربك، الأن فهمت لماذا هم منهزمون

comment 15:
لقد أثلجتم صدري بهذا الخبر العظيم فقد وكأردني بس مش أصيل كنت أنتظر اليوم الذي يعترف فيه بكومة الحجارة هذه بأنها مهد الحضارات وحتى يجعلونها معبد حضاري مهم مثل صنم بوذا ويأتي الأمريكان لحمايتها من الأصوليين

comment 16:
ما هدا التخلف الدي فيه إخواننا الأردنيون أطالب بهدم هده مدينة الصنم مثا تماثيل بودا في أفغنستان؟؟

comment 17:
ما ادري ما هو الشيء العجيب في البتراء هذه ؟؟!!! أم هو تعصب فقط ؟؟ اتمنى أن تأتي جماعة متخلفه مثل طالبان الهالكه كي تفجر هذه الخزعبلات المسماة بالبتراء

comment 18:
لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم، يتنافس العرب و المسلمون من عنده واحده من اهم العجائب و التي بناها كفره انزل الله بهم سخطه ولو اعتبروا بها لكان خير لهم و لكن المصبية الكبرى انهم يتنافسون بها وينسون كل معلم اسلامي هدم و دمر على ايدي الطغاه لك الله ايها المسجد الاقصى

comment 19:
الي اخوتي المصريين معلش متزعلوش من الاعراب اصلهم غلابه يا اخوانا ((بعيد عنكوا متخلفين ))

comment 20:
اصلا الاردن من عجائب الدنيا شعب بيصرف على الحكومه
anyway this is was little of lots, and I still wonder why?!

peace every 1

World Economic Forum, your ideas?

I saw this one the other day, it made me think for a while, are those people right? do they make any sense at all?

I was never into politics, I just stood there thinking, am I with this or against it?!

all I know about the World Economic Forum is very minimal, it is an international gathering for top of tear companies that would help jordan among other countries to develop and advance economically!! it was held by the dead sea few days ago, hmmmmm so why is that bad?!

the phrase defines Davos “World Economic Forum” by three short but direct sentences :

1. Global Domination.
2. Normalize relationships with the enemy.
3. A gathering of opportunistic Companies.

is it the proper way to define it? how right is it?

I'm just sharing my ideas here and comments are welcome...

let me start by asking, what does global domination mean anyway? how can it be? aren't we really good with words?!, do we know what does it mean? all what I know is that this is the norm, strong companies dominate, so? its been like this for years, its even the law of nature, are we more natural than nature or what?

now, normal relations with the enemy? I’m starting to laugh here, really, the definition of the enemy is relative now, do we have enemies btw? hmmmm if we do though I doubt it, are we talking about countries? companies? organizations? or people? or all of that!!
do we mean Isreal? USA? Iran? al Qa’eda? or ourselves? who do we refer to people?! saying that, again who hates peace? why shouldn’t we have normal relations with those countries? are they really enemies? are we being a bit more complicated here?!

the third says, a gathering of opportunistic companies, ha?!!
again BIG words...
well in the new age we call it investors, and a good investor is the one who takes proper opportunities when they arise, is this bad? gosh I'm totally lost, are we contradicting ourselves or what?

I’m sorry I just can’t get you here, tried to but failed however I’m all open to ideas and explanations on all this.

my personal opinion so far, all above is a BIG WORDs but are again meaningless and hollow.

do talk, what do you think?!