March 26, 2008

March 25, 2008

closed for prayer

This is a typical sign one would read in Riyadh, everything closes here around prayer time, and that can differ depending on which prayer it's, it would take an average of around 30 to 50 minutes.

Restaurants, malls, grocery shops, even gas stations. It’s all closed at the time of a prayer, so after a while in Saudi you'll memorize all these times by heart, or have them somewhere at your reach at anytime so that you can schedule your movement in the city accordingly.

Walking during prayer time is also considered a risk; no one would want a typical Saudi GMC stopping by, an old guy with a long beard pops out of it, wearing a “dish dash” and “shib shib” side by side with a tall and very thin policeman walking towards you looking irritated and above that to question your faith or religious commitment and then enforce it on you.

Thought to nag about it a little


March 09, 2008


Al Khader spear print on the floorAl Khader foot print on the floor
Christ on the Cross

Face of Jesus

Subject: Signs in an old church, Al Khader

Location: Al Khader Church – Assalt City

I’ve heard that some Christian signs at the old Khader church in Assalt have been appearing, this church is one of the oldest ones in town, and has been newly renovated.

Rumors says that, Saint Khader, appears there suddenly, hits the ground with his spear, a tremendous sound is heard and then he disappears, all that happens in a matter of seconds.

The Story was first told by a mother, who had a daughter that lost her vision, the mother used to come and pray each day at the church for her child to see again, one day she heard that sound, she ran toward it and was surprised by signs left behind, signs that looks more as shapes over the floor or the walls of the church, u can hardly tell its there till u focus a bit, signs like the face of Christ, the cross, a foot print of saint Khader and a mark for where he hit the ground.

Anyway, that same day her daughter gained her vision.

There is as well a cave inside the church, the story continues by saying that the picture of Virgin Mary inside has been generating holy oil by itself, people are taking blesses with this oil, making wishes on pieces of paper and throwing them into the cave

Words are telling that such sounds are still heard and new signs are appearing.

The old church was filled with curious people who came to see, take photos, learn about what happened, and very few came to pray…

I was there last Friday with family, I saw those shapes and signs, and I, like everyone else took photos.

I don’t see myself generally as a believer in these things, I’m not that religious anyway, they can be totally true, and everything that was said is right, and it all happened, but for me if I put some reason into it, I still have my doubts.

I outspoken to mother at the time, I said, are these people crazy or what?! Do you really believe all this “habal”!!, she didn’t like what I said, she looked at me with a mixture of furiousity and disappointment, she told me not to talk like that especially being in a holy place like the church and just respect those beliefs, I felt I might have crossed the line there…

I attached the photos along, they told us, depending on how much of a believer one is, he / she could see those sign more accurately, I didn’t see much , so I need to work more on my beliefs I guess J

Try yours!

March 05, 2008

I'm Bored

I’m bored

These days I’ve lots and lots of available time, at work there’s almost nothing to do, yeah bite me! Its not how you might think it’s, I might have enjoyed it for a couple of days but then!!

I’m bored.

I’ve tried to look up something handy over the internet, in fact there were few articles I was interested about, Yesterday I looked for some universities abroad in case I wanted to go for masters…. Still!!,

I’m bored

I didn’t think of myself as a workaholic, I’m probably not, but at the same time I’m not that lazy either, this status of doing nothing is getting me, getting me bad I would say.

I’m bored

I wanted to give productivity to my idle status, it’s not quite easy, or maybe I’m not good with it

Should I feel guilty chatting at work when I’ve no work!
Should I feel guilty using face book at work when I’ve no work!
Should I feel guilty playing online games at work when I’ve no work!

I did them all, but still

I’m bored

It’s a dilemma, who wouldn’t enjoy some free time? I’m positive everyone would, but up to a certain limit, because too much of it isn’t quite as interesting believe me.

I’m bored

I even sketched some silly kindergarten kinda drawings, a robot of some sort and few sharks to be exact; I’m out of ideas, anyone to lend me some?